I love to cook and before we had kids I used to spend hours on meals. I'm not sure that they were also good, but I enjoy being in the kitchen and creating. As Bea has gotten older it's been harder and harder to keep her occupied while I'm making dinner (or any meal for that matter). So yesterday I decided that instead of trying to keep her busy with something else, I would see how it went cooking together. I had picked up some zucchini over the weekend and found a recipe for
Chocolate Zucchini Bread from Paula Deen (spoiler alert, not one bit of butter!).
Carefully pouring sugar
Ready to bake
I'm sure the pictures speak for themselves (especially the one with the huge grin) but Bea LOVED IT! In fact this morning she was still talking about how she put sugar in the bowl and got to stir. And I was pleasantly surprised at how well she listened and did exactly what I asked of her, from pouring the sugar to standing back away from the oven as I put the bread in to bake. And the best part of all was that she actually ate some of the bread with her dinner. And I know it was sweetened with sugar and chocolate but the fact that I was able to have her eat any vegetables is a success!
Finished product
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